• 150924 blog French Tour GuideA couple of months ago, one of our Manly students’ family returned from a holiday in France with their children. The kids, Max and Milly, have been going to our French Fun Language clubs on the Northern Beaches for the last couple of years.

    The mum approached me after school to tell her story about what had happened on their recent trip to Paris.

    “Every time we ate out in France, the kids insisted on ordering their meals in French”. Apparently, whether ordering LA GLACE to DES CROISSANTS AVEC UN CHOCOLAT CHAUD or UN STEAK FRITES, the children proudly and confidently showcased their new language skills!

    The mum was delighted: “The waiters or ice-cream vendors were all very friendly and encouraging and were delighted to hear these Aussie kids ordering in French. Not only that, the children, became our tour guides and helped us around Paris!”

    Imagine your child being your TOUR GUIDE on your next overseas holiday!

    We love watching Aussie kids blossom with their language learning skills and it was this story that inspired our new French bookmarks.

    By Teresa Ferrer, LCF Fun Languages Manager, Northern Beaches, Sydney


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